Sizes of collected particles

PARTICLEVER cassettes are designed to sample specific particle sizes, and in particular the respirable fraction (based on the EN 481 and ISO 7708 standards), which is a baseline size for particle risks.
By default, PARTICLEVER technology uses the respirable fraction, which corresponds to particle sizes that can penetrate to the lung alveoli (mainly smaller than 4 micrometers or at most about 10 micrometers). This is the baseline size for nanoparticles and nanomaterials. It is used by default on all quotes offered by the website.
Other sizes are available on request, in particular PM2.5 (below 2.5 micrometers) which is the baseline for surveilling urban atmospheric pollution for fine particles.
Collection effectiveness is greater than 99.5% on all particle sizes from 1 nanometer.
The ability to work quantitatively with an electron microscope on fractions of standardized size makes PARTICLEVER a one-of-a-kind technology. It is protected by a portfolio of four international patents.
To learn more about appropriate collection sizes for nanoparticles, go to the “Sizes of collected particles" page in the nanoparticles dossier.
For more information, SEE THE CATALOG