Nanoparticles, nanomaterials, aggregates and agglomerates

PARTICLEVER technology was first developed to measure nanoparticles and nanomaterials. As a result, it is perfectly well-suited for measuring the great variety of shapes and chemical compositions that they encompass.
Nanoparticles aggregate and agglomerate with one another, so it's important to take into account all aggregates and agglomerates whose size corresponds to the respirable fraction (meaning those which can penetrate into lung alveoli see page about particle sizes).
The most requested particle types:
- Metallic powders: Titanium dioxide, amorphous silica, zinc oxide, alumina, calcium carbonate, etc.
- Elemental carbon powders: Carbon black, combustion residue, graphite, etc.
- Fumes: Welding, combustion, diesel particles, extrusion, etc.
- Fibers: Carbon nanotubes, cellulose nano crystals or nanofibrils, carbon fibers
For more information about the health context of nanoparticles and definitions, see our Nanoparticles dossier